Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cold begining

Here I come, creating a blog in English. First English class of the year, first topic : the word GENEROSITY is declaimed. One aim to reach within a week : creating a blog. Basically, this is just sharing ideas, experiences and moments of its life with others...

At first I was kind of reluctant to pubblish my life on the web. A blog, it's hard enough to keep it going in French, I couldn't imagine to support one in English.

But finally, doing it along with my CELSA class, it seemed to become more feasible. This added to the idea that we could know each other better by sharing this project and helping each other with our English, could this be generosity Mr Spaulding ?

Dawn on a train between Beijing and Haerbin, China...
The coldest and longest night ever, there was ice even inside, and
finally the sun appeared.
January 2006

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