Thursday, September 27, 2007

Generosity in images

if you need to see more, here is a litlle funny explaination of the thing!


Crowdsourcing is one of the best examples of generosity on the web. Wikipedia is one of the best examples today of crowsourcing : the website exists just because people accept to share their knowledge with others in order to build a huge encyclopedia. But there are so many examples of crowdsourcing in everyday life, just like when I was at the university we shared our notes with other law students by putting them on the Internet. We had no interest in doing that except the fact that we knew it helped.

The idea that every one is part of the web creation is really revelant of the web 2.0 process.


Second class. I find it hard to find words to describe what generosity looks like over here. What's good basically is that every one helps the person seated next to him but at the end, I feel that writing on a blog is quite hard.
What is generosity then? I've spent some time thinking about it since last week. I looked for definitions on wikipedia and tried to make my mind on it. I guess Wikipedia is not that bad. There is an idea of giving things to others in the word "generosity" but that's not all I suppose. So many things cannot be simply given. Generosity it's also and so often sharing. Sharing knowledge, sharing time,... The real and true generosity is when you give or share something without thinking about what you could get back. That's what I believe in and what I try to do at least.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cold begining

Here I come, creating a blog in English. First English class of the year, first topic : the word GENEROSITY is declaimed. One aim to reach within a week : creating a blog. Basically, this is just sharing ideas, experiences and moments of its life with others...

At first I was kind of reluctant to pubblish my life on the web. A blog, it's hard enough to keep it going in French, I couldn't imagine to support one in English.

But finally, doing it along with my CELSA class, it seemed to become more feasible. This added to the idea that we could know each other better by sharing this project and helping each other with our English, could this be generosity Mr Spaulding ?

Dawn on a train between Beijing and Haerbin, China...
The coldest and longest night ever, there was ice even inside, and
finally the sun appeared.
January 2006